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Fee-Only Financial Planning &

Fiduciary Investment Management Services

Why We’re Different

Our Fee-Only Fiduciary approach goes beyond managing your investments.  我们是一家以财务规划为中心的公司,专注于大局,并痴迷于帮助我们的客户在他们生活的每个阶段做出合理的财务决策.

我们通过分析客户财务生活的方方面面,帮助客户做出明智的财务决策.  This includes their investments, taxes, retirement, businesses, estate planning, life insurance, gifting, and more. 

We help simplify the complex nature that naturally comes with building wealth.


Are you Fiduciaries?

Yes!  We have a legal duty to always act in our client's best interest.

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Are you CFP® Professionals?

DecisionPoint Financial has many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals on staff.  To learn more about what that means, and why it’s important, click below.

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Are you Fee-Only & how do you get paid?

Yes!  DecisionPoint’s revenue is solely derived from the fees that clients pay them directly. 这种直接补偿是通过资产管理费或规划咨询费支付的.  Asset management fees are debited from the managed accounts on a quarterly basis. Planning and consulting fees are generally invoiced directly to the client. 

If a financial advisor is not fee-only, 对他们来说,成为客户真正的受托人可能是一项挑战,因为他们可能会受到激励,向你出售一种金融产品,而不是另一种. 

Do you work virtually?

Yes!  我们和我们的注册理财规划师专业团队的可访问性是我们的最高优先事项. Our offices are located in Mesa, AZ and Gig Harbor, WA. The majority of the financial planning that we offer is done ideally in person, but we are well equipped to meet with clients virtually through applications like Zoom. When scheduling time with us to review your retirement account, or go through the financial planning process, 我们会尽力满足您的日程安排以及您对虚拟会议或面对面会议的偏好.

What is your investment approach?

We take a very disciplined and strategic approach to money management. View the “Investment Management” tab within the services dropdown to learn more.

How accessible is the DecisionPoint team?

我们相信,对我们来说,可访问性是高质量客户体验的最低标准.  We work as a team to ensure that each client’s needs are met in an expeditious manner.  Our clients have the ability to call, text, 并给他们的专职顾问和客户服务支持人员发邮件请求交易, ask questions, and schedule appointments.  We take pride in our ability to respond to those requests in a timely manner.

Who is Charles Schwab?

嘉信理财是美国最大的金融服务公司之一,为全国数以千计的独立注册投资咨询公司提供托管和交易服务.  嘉信理财和TD Ameritrade于2019年收购了TDA,预计收购将于2023年第四季度完成.

DecisionPoint主要利用嘉信理财来托管我们所有客户的账户资产.  这对我们的客户来说是一个重要的安全功能,因为这意味着DecisionPoint永远不会对您的资金和投资进行实际保管.

Where do I access my account(s)?

DecisionPoint clients have two ways to access their account information.  The first is by logging in directly to your account held at  Charles Schwab.  The second is by logging in to your DecisionPoint portal.  Both of these sites can be a reached through the “Client Login” link in the top right corner of our website.  

您的DecisionPoint Client Portal是专门为您提供所有帐户的历史性能数据而设计的.  您还可以在这里找到所有当前和历史业绩报告以及我们的季度客户信

通过直接登录您的嘉信理财账户,您将能够找到交易数据, monthly statements, and tax documents.

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